
About Me

Howdy! My name is Zaeem Raja, I’m a Graphic Designer from Montréal who’s always ready to tackle any new design related project that comes my way. (or that I can get my hands on mwahaha!!!) As surprising and mind blowing as it may sound, I am indeed majoring in Graphic & Web Design from John Abbott College in 2024. My goal is pretty simple: Taking over the world with my design army!! Although this may seem like a difficult task, I believe it will appear much easier to execute once you (yes, YOU!) and I joined forces! With our ideas combined, the sky’s the limit! And.. Ahem.. Of course, the government and such.. But that’s not really important!

gnome me

Every conqueror of worlds has his/her origin story. I shall not bore you to death with mine but here’s a small recap: I was born with a pencil as my right hand and an eraser on the left. I had no choice but to draw because my life depended on it. With my passion for art growing everyday, I decided that a field related to art would be my best choice for the future. Alas, the organisms known as “parents” wanted me to become an engineer. After spending a year in the engineering program, I somehow convinced said organisms to let me transfer to a program more to my liking. (using my brainwashing gun of course) That is how I found myself in the situation I am now in!

As the worldwide design ambassador that I am , I do spend quite a lot of time working on my design skills but there are also other things I enjoy doing in the meantime. I like polishing my drawing skills because I would like to include more illustrations into my design work. More drawings means more ideas which means more soldiers for world domination!! Some of my biggest inspirations come from manga and anime, which are both things I also enjoy doing outside of design. As explained in the art of war by Sun Tzu “A designer must first learn everything about his own interests before learning to fly”. Because of this hobby, I started practicing Japanese to hopefully someday be able to communicate fluently with such great artists (and to gain new allies from across the world >:D). I also enjoy working out quite a lot. It is imperative to train those muscles if you want to take over the world!

As a designer, I like looking at things from a logical perspective since I had a background which involved lots of math and sciences. As a world conqueror though, I look at things logically to best my enemies in any given situation. I think organization is one of my most important values alongside creativity. I like to keep information structured to easily recover or change previous mistakes. I often tend to create excessive designs but I am also working on creating more simple yet powerful work. Everyone knows that the simplest way to take over the world is by using one simple yet powerful move: murder (please hire me -v-).

And the last and most boring part of all is the softwares that I can use well enough to mention here! The basic starter pack is obviously a list of Adobe Applications such as Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, etc. I’ve also used Blender to create a few projects because of my fascination with 3D. Some of the Microsoft Applications are also part of softwares that I’m fairly good at using. But this is just the beginning! The more softwares I learn, the more knowledge I gain which then makes me stronger HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!